Let's jump right into it.

1. Cold audience.
Google Ads show up in front of cold audiences. In other words, your ads show up in front of people who do not know you or trust you. For anyone to purchase from you, they need to trust you.
Your audience might click on your ad but are just not ready to purchase - it's too early in their customer journey.
As a result, you're paying for ads that will not convert. You're helping your audience research different firms until they decide which one they like. That leads us to the next point.
2. Optimized Landing Page.
After clicking on your ads, the degree to which they trust you and take the next step is based on the landing page presented to them. If they open three ads and prefer your competitors' landing page, you get disqualified from their search.
As a result, you're paying for people to land on your website and not anything else. This makes the buying journey a lot more complex. A cold audience will land on your page and not necessarily convert.
That means you have to pay more money to retarget them and get them back. And since you're unsure why they didn't convert the first time, you're taking a gamble on the same audience member.
3. High Competition.
Larger firms will always outbid your ads. It's a pay-to-play game. The more you pay, the more you can get into the game. The cost of ads will continue to go up. If there is a lot of competition in your space, you have already witnessed a very high cost per click. Google Ads will not get less expensive.
What are your thoughts on Google Ads?
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