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#79: The Secret Behind Effective Video Ads, with Forbes 30 Under 30 Entrepreneur, Travis Chambers

This is the transcript with Travis Chambers. The episode is transcribed automatically. Therefore there may be mistakes. However, this will make it easy for you to refer back to anything you heard in the episode. Press "control + F" to find keywords in the episode. 

[00:00:00] Travis Chambers: It's a messaging thing. And you're like, what is the weird golden bullet thing? And then once you find that one thing, then you got to find a second and third thing. Hello

[00:00:11] Laura L Bernhard: entrepreneurs. I'm your host, Laura. Elburn hard. Welcome back to the marketing bound podcast, where we offer inbound marketing tips to get you more traffic, more leads and more success.


[00:00:21] Do you remember the ads with Lionel Messi and Kobe Bryant? Like the racing around the world? Well, this week I interviewed the mastermind behind those ads, Travis chambers, after going viral a few times himself, Travis started his own ad agency that has helped several businesses reach multimillionaires.


[00:00:42] In revenue. And in this episode, we chat about how he grew his agency to $12 million in revenue, how to use ads to bring prospects through the customer journey and the seven types of effective ads on social media. If you're an agency owner, [00:01:00] This episode is for you,

[00:01:12] Travis. Thank you so much for being on the marketing bond podcast. How are you

[00:01:16] Travis Chambers: today? I'm doing good. I'm feeling the good vibes. That's amazing. Oh, I feel great.


[00:01:23] Laura L Bernhard: Thanks for asking. I'm super excited to get into this. Um, so a little bit of backstory for everybody. Who's listening, Travis and I were already connected on LinkedIn and then his team reached out to me to be on the podcast.


[00:01:37] And I was like, I know this guy, and then I looked into it more. And let me tell you, I think a lot of you are going to recognize his work and we're going to talk about that. So let's talk about the kickoff of your marketing career and will your entrepreneurial career with the Kobe Bryant and Lionel Messi commercials for Turkish airlines.[00:02:00]


[00:02:00] Tell us about what that is and how it kicked off. Chamber

[00:02:04] Travis Chambers: media. Cool. So I, I did this viral video as I was finishing college and it was me and my wife joking about going 80 miles an hour. If you're going 80 miles an hour, how long will it take you to go 80 miles? And she like did this dumb blonde impression thing for like four minutes trying to like calculate tire speed, tire pressure, wind speed.


[00:02:28] And. She put it on YouTube to show her brother-in-law who didn't have a smartphone at the time. This is like back in 2011. And then three months later, some of our friends at college found it and shared it and it went to like mega viral, 10 million views. And like a few weeks we were on good morning, America.


[00:02:48] We flew out to New York. They asked me to do like a public apology for it, even though it was kind of. This thing that we do all the time, but, and then we were [00:03:00] on Tosh 0.0 and true TV and crashed Mac and cheese reached out. And it just happened to be at the ad agency. I had been wanting to work at, since I started school and that turned into a job.


[00:03:14] And then I worked there and then I was supposed to be kind of like the in-house earned media, viral video expert, young millennial guy, whatever Turkish airlines. And they say, we want them to have the most viral out of all time. How much is it going to cost? We've got Kobe Bryant and Lionel Messi. And so as the chief digital officer took me aside and said, go for it, man, here's three and a half million dollars make it happen.


[00:03:41] And we did it worked, we got 650 influencers and we got, we did a really great ad spend and we did video SEO and we did some viral seeding all over the web and, and it was the most viral. Adam ever. I don't think it's ever been beaten to my knowledge. YouTube came out and said the most [00:04:00] viral of all time.


[00:04:01] And so I ended up 20th century Fox a year later and that just didn't, wasn't fitting out. Great. So started chamber media and, um, we've been at it for seven years now. No, we got like 110 employees, you know, we're doing some odd dozen million a year and we're kind of. It all comes from a couple of viral videos pretty much.


[00:04:26] Oh my God. Okay.


[00:04:27] Laura L Bernhard: That's a great story. Number one, but we really, we have to break it down. Like there's so much to, to get into, first of all, but YouTube video of your wife, is

[00:04:36] Travis Chambers: it still online? It's called the real meaning of MPA. Okay, you will judge me when you watch it. You'll say this guy is kind of a jerk and she's really dumb.


[00:04:49] Laura L Bernhard: I have to find that and put that in the show notes for everybody listening. So this is the first thing I wanted to know. The second thing is people are listening to this story and they're like, well, you know, you have [00:05:00] Kobe, you have MSCI, and then you have $3.5 million to make it happen. Obviously, when you have that much money, you throw it at something it's going to work.


[00:05:10] But I'm sure that you have a rebuttal to that. And there has to be something else that makes it work. That can't be the formula is you get spokespeople plus money equals success. What is the


[00:05:22] Travis Chambers: formula? So that formula doesn't work anymore. The viral video thing does not work at the time though. There were no videos online of Coby or MSCI in Nike ads.


[00:05:39] And beverage ads, whatever ads they were in, none of them had over four or 5 million views. We had just launched. Another team had just launched an ad for windows phone at the same time, which was the same production budget, a million dollar production budget, just to make the commercial. And they spent [00:06:00] $3 million getting 10 million views.


[00:06:04] So views are expensive. And so getting 140 is really hard and it was really hard. And so we did a lot of these viral strategies worked really well, but Kobe and Messi definitely helped a lot. If you remove them, it would have still worked. No, it wouldn't have been that big no way. Yeah. It wouldn't have been the most viral out of all time without them.


[00:06:32] I don't think so. Like I think we could have had some people that are less famous and still don't really well, but I don't think we would've gotten the top spot. There's no way no one else had the two biggest sports stars in the world with a viral campaign. At the time that virality was happening, it

[00:06:51] Laura L Bernhard: was kind of like perfect timing too.


[00:06:53] Like that's the missing piece out of that equation? It was like, you really needed that timing, but you [00:07:00] didn't mention your company chamber media, and I want to get into that. So how old were you when you started that company?


[00:07:06] Travis Chambers: 25, pretty young, pretty young. You


[00:07:11] Laura L Bernhard: start this company and you're alone. You have partners, you


[00:07:15] Travis Chambers: had partners started with two partners and they were still full-time at their jobs.


[00:07:22] And I went full time and I decided. We'll give this three months. And if we can't pay our bills in three months, I got severance from Fox. So I had like three months income. And so, um, it was at the end of the three months, we get our first deal. It was a company called like a real estate for sale by owner real estate company.


[00:07:47] And it was for, for SEO ad buying and some videos, it was like $60,000 deal. And that deal. Was over three, I think it was a three month project. And that was [00:08:00] enough to say, all right, let's keep going. And then I think the next month we got a couple more clients. We got like, um, some footwear insole footwear company and.


[00:08:14] It just kind of started and it was mostly from like networking. So I would, I would just go to events and just hunt people down and I'd post on LinkedIn all the time. And I'd asked people, I knew for referrals and the networking was the key. I mean, the networking was the only reason that the cohere semester thing happened.


[00:08:36] Possible to try and do all of that myself. It'd be impossible, but I'd done so much research and getting to know so many people and learning from what everyone was doing and then putting it all together. That, that I think people, if they're starting a company, networking is if it's a service. If you're in B2B or services, that's how you got to start.


[00:08:57] And I get a lot of people that hit me up and say, Hey man, [00:09:00] how do I get an agency going? How do I say, look, you've just got to hunt people down. I used to go to VidCon. And just cost every penny. I had to buy a ticket to VidCon and I would just stock people. I would sneak into the VIP lounges. I would find ways in, I would, I told them that I was a marketing director at Hulu.

[00:09:24] I was like, I'm on the list. I'm on the list. And they're like, well, what's your name? I'm like, do you not see the marketing director from Hulu on there? And they're like, oh, um, uh, oh, oh yeah. And it was some random guy's name and I'm like, yeah, dude, that's me right there. And then I started getting a lot of influencers and I was able to sell a lot of influencer deals too.


[00:09:49] So that was a big thing too, is like, Hey. Yeah, it was like, I tried to just be the guy who could like bring everything together. [00:10:00] So like I did some deals with Logan. Paul did some deals with. Influencers, but I had to like pivot though, because the influencer game started kind of hard because I just realized that wasn't like a scalable thing.


[00:10:15] Yeah. It's a lot of work. Yeah. And it's, I just realized I was just a guy that just like knew some people there wasn't like a ton of value per se, to be able to get big contracts that lasts a long time.

[00:10:28] Laura L Bernhard: Yeah. And that's what you're doing now. Right. That's how you're scaling. Yeah. It's really getting those longterm


[00:10:34] Travis Chambers: contracts with big clients.


[00:10:36] Yeah. Yep. Now we've got deals, you know, Fabletics honey, somebody, PayPal, Russell Brunson, ClickFunnels. Yeah.


[00:10:48] Laura L Bernhard: Just casually mentioning all huge brands. Even on your website. It's just like Coca


[00:10:53] Travis Chambers: Cola. I mean, it's cool. It's like, I mean, we don't get a ton of big brands, so we have like some. [00:11:00] I think it's because we're not located in a big city where out of Utah, you know, and so we'll probably need to get some sales people in big cities at some point, but I'm

[00:11:12] Laura L Bernhard: helping you with your business right now.


[00:11:14] Travis Chambers: Can you tell me, yeah. Could you give me some pointers? He was reflecting


[00:11:20] Laura L Bernhard: on like, yeah, we should do that.


[00:11:25] Love that I can help you.


[00:11:27] Travis Chambers: This is beneficial for both of us. I'll send you an invoice after it.


[00:11:33] Laura L Bernhard: No worries. I'm just wondering, so a brand comes to you and they're like, well, we want to double our revenue, make us go. Well, not viral does this work anymore, but we just want to double our revenue. I'm sure.


[00:11:48] Some of those brands, like people just don't know them. So you obviously have to go through like new awareness, the likeness phase, and then like they purchase from you. So with your ads, how do you get them through that customer [00:12:00] journey? Especially for the brands that people don't really know about.


[00:12:06] Travis Chambers: Yeah.


[00:12:06] That's kind of the beauty of social ads right now is you can get directly tracked sales and the brand awareness at the same time. And prior to that, it was very difficult. You had to have a lot of money, spent a lot of money on brand awareness and then hope that your company would take. But now you can track a lot of that stuff.


[00:12:26] And so we usually look for if we can get a two or two and a half to one return on our ad spend. So if we run, let's say we run 10 grand in Facebook ads. If we can get 20, 25 grand back on that for a brand, there's a high likelihood that that's going to be a scalable way to grow their business. So transparent labs is a really good example.


[00:12:48] They had a bunch of affiliates that were doing blog posts and driving traffic. And because of that, they had a lot of organic search rankings for various [00:13:00] keywords in doing that. They got to do 2 million a year in revenue, but by the time you have two partners and you have your cost of goods, it's not a ton of time.


[00:13:12] It's not a ton of money. It's great money, but it's not huge money. So he came to us and he said, I want to scale paid ads. I want to take control of my destiny. And so we created some really fun video ads. There's one where it's a guy standing in front of two giant blender. And it shows the ingredients that go into transparent labs.


[00:13:35] Pre-workout on one side and the other side, it shows all the crap that goes into the mainstream stuff. And at the end we turn the blenders on and there's all sorts of funny jokes and stuff in there, but it's just this big, giant demonstration to get you to understand. And yeah, within a few months, We were up to spending a hundred, 150,000 a month on ads.


[00:13:57] And we were getting anywhere from a [00:14:00] 700 to $1.2 million return each month. And that just continued. We did that for years, a few years. And then, um, they got acquired and they got a great multiple and now they have started another couple. Called project solar. And we've done the same thing with project solar, and it's starting to scale like crazy.


[00:14:23] And we might look like we might be two for two, might be two for two, but that's kind of the whole. The thing, you know, is if you can get ads to scale. And what's so funny is we didn't even do it for chamber media until a year and a half ago. We didn't do our own ads. I was going to ask you that


[00:14:43] Laura L Bernhard: I'm like, but how are you doing it for yourself?


[00:14:46] Travis Chambers: And we didn't do it because at the time we were only taking projects that were a hundred grand over because we were really small two years ago, we were only 15 people. Full-time and we had tons of contractors. [00:15:00] So you could say we were like 20 or 30 maybe, but I thought, okay, our stuff's too expensive to sell with ads.


[00:15:07] So we rolled out a lower priced offering and I felt like we finally had this layer of leadership at the company that could grow and sure enough, sure. Enough year and a half later, 110 employees. From running our own ads. So, yeah. Okay. So let's dive


[00:15:28] Laura L Bernhard: into that because people listening right now, they have their own agencies.


[00:15:32] They're like, I want to do this, but I don't have $10,000 a month to do it. Yeah. Why


[00:15:37] Travis Chambers: start? So the way I did it before ads was very LinkedIn heavy. So we got to 2 million a year from networking and word of mouth. So I would try to speak at conferences. I would try and get press features, just chase people down and get to know as many people as possible.[00:16:00]


[00:16:01] So that if they ever need ever came up, they would call us. And that was really hard. It was really exhausting. It was very emotionally draining because you're just chasing people around and you never know when a deal is going to come through. And I mean, the Nordic track deal just came from me, giving a guy some free advice here and there over a couple of years.


[00:16:23] A couple of years, couple of years. Yeah.


[00:16:26] Laura L Bernhard: That's long. It's a


[00:16:27] Travis Chambers: long sales cycle. That's a long time. So I was just, yeah, that was just grinding, hitting the streets, chasing people around, sneaking into VIP lounges, press features, you know, anything we could do. And then we got from two to 3 million a year from LinkedIn.


[00:16:44] So then I started saying, thinking, I started noticing that every time I'd have like a big LinkedIn post, we would get some leads. At some point people had mentioned they saw it on LinkedIn. So then I thought, all right, well, let's go heavy on this. So then I started making all sorts of crazy stuff [00:17:00] there. I did like Uber eats prank, or I like ordered food at the top of a mountain.

[00:17:08] And the Uber eats drivers, like would hike up to deliver the burrito and then we'd have dinner together. A table set up for too much, super viral. And that got, oh, drove a bunch of leads. This was on LinkedIn. Yeah. Okay. So what made you think


[00:17:29] Laura L Bernhard: that Uber eats date would go viral on


[00:17:33] Travis Chambers: LinkedIn?


[00:17:37] You just tried something and you were like, yeah, I don't know. Well, Uber eats did reach out and they, they said, Hey, we want to test. LinkedIn influencer stuff. And I'm like, look, I don't really get a lot of reach. So maybe you. If it strives on a sales, give me an affiliate code or something and we'll see what happens.


[00:17:57] And then I just went to the drawing board and I'm like, all right, well, how can I make this go [00:18:00] viral? This Uber eats thing, but, well, a lot of leads for chamber media because they're like, dude, this guy just like, right. I really did this burrito thing. And, and oh, oh, he runs ads. His company runs ads. And that's my whole thing.


[00:18:13] I was like, all right. I just need to get as many people to see my profile and just know that she remediated makes videos and runs ads. And if that happens, then. Maybe at some point they'll call us. And so those really hard to, you know, and it, it got to the point where we were like three mil and I couldn't figure out how we were going to grow more.


[00:18:32] And then it was like, oh, how am I going to sustain this? I'm so exhausted. And I was flying, still flying all over the place. And then we ran ads and then like, life just got magical.


[00:18:43] Laura L Bernhard: Tell me about these ads. How, how many times would you make your audience even per day? Was it just in like your neighborhood, like or district city?


[00:18:53] Tell me like the details about those ads.


[00:18:56] Travis Chambers: So we made a couple ads that [00:19:00] were not like crazy high budget. We would film some scenes on film shoots. So that added a little bit, so the production value, but it was just a really funny ad funny script. It was like a sales pitch. It was like, if you were like pitching knives and Costco, but it was for like an agency, like make it fun.


[00:19:21] And stuff. It was just exactly what we do for clients. Right. Get people to watch, get them to smile and enjoy it. And maybe they'll pay attention for a longer period of time. It was like four minutes long, three or four minutes long. And we made a whole bunch of ads. Some of them worked, some of them didn't, but there was one ad in particular that has drove, has now driven over $6 million in sales.


[00:19:50] Can


[00:19:51] Laura L Bernhard: you send me this link after the


[00:19:53] Travis Chambers: ad after? Yes,


[00:19:56] Laura L Bernhard: definitely send it to me. I will put it in the show notes so everyone can watch

[00:19:59] Travis Chambers: [00:20:00] it. Okay. And we we've made a whole bunch of them. Some have worked better than others, but this one has just, it was funny is that's what we do for our clients. Right. A lot of people make ads, but we make like, Funny, super interesting ads that are expensive and it's just like, goes to show if it works for clients, maybe it'll work for us.


[00:20:22] Right. And it works. It works. Finally. We weren't the doctor who smoked anymore. We just, this week released the biggest one we've ever made for ourselves. And it's like, it's crushing it already. It's crushing it. Takeaway for the audience is you have to make some ads for yourself. You're going to have to make a lot of them because not all of them are going to work, but if you find one that golden scalable ad, it can really make a big difference.


[00:20:55] And we started out, we, our first one at three spent six grand on [00:21:00] ads. So, you know, there are some businesses that can afford to do that, but here's the thing is the first month was six grand. We, our leads were over five, $600. Which is not sustainable at all, but we knew because we've done this enough times, you just have to keep going.


[00:21:21] You just have to keep going deeper into the tunnel, into the cave, hoping you're going to come out the other side. So the next month we spent 10 grand and then our lead costs came way down. Still wasn't quite sustainable, but then we saw directional improvement. And then by the end of month three, we were down to a very good cost per lead.


[00:21:40] The deals were closing. Built a sales team. So from


[00:21:46] Laura L Bernhard: what I mean, hearing from this,


[00:21:50] Travis Chambers: uh,


[00:21:50] Laura L Bernhard: is really like trial and error. Almost keep trying it be patient. Because you're not, you're not going to find something like you [00:22:00] might, but you're not going to find something that works immediately. So for people who have a smaller budget and save thousand dollars, I know that there are all kinds of different, like Adam objection, all kinds of different kinds of ads that you can have on Facebook.


[00:22:12] Which one did you use at first? Did you try different ones like video views or what's what are the other ones? Like the forms, like fill out this form. Do you remember which ones you use so that people listening can relate? Dive into Facebook and just try them.


[00:22:29] Travis Chambers: Yeah. So let's get scientific with it. Okay.


[00:22:32] Ours, ours is a spokesperson video. We have found that spokesperson videos when they work, they are the most scalable by far. Can you describe


[00:22:42] Laura L Bernhard: what that is? Is that like when they're talking to you and guiding you through.


[00:22:46] Travis Chambers: Yeah. Yeah. So it's a spokesperson video. Sometimes we'll call it an anchor video.


[00:22:52] Some people call it a hero video, but the best references, it's a dollar shave club video. So the reason spokesperson videos works is [00:23:00] it's a salesperson that's pitching you. And that's the oldest way of selling things. In 3000 BC, Egypt, someone was in a market pitching. I don't know. What were they pitching dates?


[00:23:15] Yeah. There were three guys, all in a line. And you were going to buy dates from the guy that you liked the most because they all the same price. So it's just the oldest selling. Method, because it's like, okay, do I trust this human being? Do I like them? Do I want to do business with them? And that's the way that that works.


[00:23:34] And then once that happens, it also turns into it. How long can I keep this person's attention? If I can keep their attention for 10 seconds, I might have a shot, but if I can keep their attention for a minute, two minutes, three minutes. Even if they don't buy it, they'll definitely remember. They'll definitely remember.


[00:23:53] And then you get your brand awareness. So spokesperson, anchor videos are the best for like driving [00:24:00] long-term brand awareness. And I think that they're the best for B2B for that reason. B2B is high ticket. It's very complicated. It's very complex, very trust oriented, and a lot of B2B companies struggle. To get ads to convert for that reason, we've had a few of our own bomb and it was always mostly, it was because the, uh, the client just couldn't Wade through the fire.


[00:24:29] They couldn't make it through that two or three months without saying, it's not working, it's not working, but it's one of those things where you have to go through it and find. If it's going to work or not, because if it does, you could be a transplant labs. You could be a chamber media. You could be a Mr.


[00:24:46] Cool. Mr. Cool was ROI negative the first two months. And now we're spending like a lot, a lot per month and they're bringing in a lot. We did this exercise, [00:25:00] Laura, we, we got really curious of why is some of the stuff we're doing work working. Some of the stuff doesn't work as well. What if we could have a quantitative legit?


[00:25:11] Scientific approach to this. So we went and we took all of our ads. We'd put them in a database and we called it the brain and we hired machine learning engineers to mine and log all of that data. And we had virtual assistants go through every single ad and. Based on what kind of ad it is. Then we went and we got to top 1% of all, 2000 Shopify stores apps, and we compare it, all of it.


[00:25:42] And what came out the other end was seven categories of ads that get the most performance. And these are the categories. Okay. So spokesperson anchor is one, two is product demo, go figure three is social proof, social proof. [00:26:00] Influencer staff blogs, like the toothpaste


[00:26:05] Laura L Bernhard: commercials where they're like, I'm a Jew, I'm a dentist.


[00:26:13] Travis Chambers: Okay. So, okay. Got it. That's totally a social proof ad social cool dentist. This real dentist approves of this toothpaste. Wow. Oh my God.


[00:26:27] Laura L Bernhard: I tried this toothpaste and it was the absolute best and I'm a real quiet,

[00:26:32] Travis Chambers: uh, and I am a real influencer and I am super famous. I got booty pics twice a day and I am so famous.


[00:26:43] And this is the beauty cream I use.


[00:26:47] Laura L Bernhard: Why you guys should


[00:26:48] Travis Chambers: use it? Yeah. Todd social proof. Okay, perfect. Now we understand this social group. Yeah. And that's a great category by the way. Cause a lot of it's called UGC [00:27:00] user generated content and it stopped. What you just did is totally UGC. It's great for is dynamic ads.


[00:27:07] So it was like computer generated assets. So a lot of drop shippers will do this where they'll take a bunch of random stock footage and they'll just like mash it all together. Or they'll take whatever random product videos and photos they have. And they'll just mash it into a collage really. They work.


[00:27:26] They're like the most commonly made ad, but they're not generally the highest performance. Okay. It makes


[00:27:33] Laura L Bernhard: sense. Cause I'm like, I don't know if I've ever


[00:27:35] Travis Chambers: seen him as like that. If you've ever seen a janky ad that looks like an editor in China through a bunch of stock stuff together, that's a dynamic ad.


[00:27:45] Okay. Got it. Five is case study case study is anything empirical. So. For transparent labs. It's like, how do you do a case study for pre-workout? Well, what we did is we pulled all the clinical studies [00:28:00] for the ingredients that are in the supplements. And we talked about the benefits of those, these clinical studies.


[00:28:08] So now it's not just now it's like science it's it's proven. So that's the case study like, well, how would you do a case study for


[00:28:17] Laura L Bernhard: chamber


[00:28:17] Travis Chambers: media? Well, if surf media is, we grew these companies by these X amounts and that's what your ad would be just like a graph, just being like, look at this. Yep. Okay.

[00:28:32] The spokesperson anchor ad, by the way, usually includes all seven of these. Ooh,


[00:28:38] Laura L Bernhard: that's an important


[00:28:40] Travis Chambers: fact. Sometimes we call it the everything at our chamber. Everything had has. Okay. Yeah. Makes sense. Six is the lifestyle. So this is just like showing the product being used, you know, everyday life oftentimes.


[00:28:54] Yeah. It's Laura showing a new bag, getting into a Mercedes [00:29:00] it's in slow motion. Just had a blow out. Oh my gosh, if I buy this, I could be like her. Oh my gosh, I have to have this that's her lifestyle. Yeah. Okay. That makes sense. And then seventh is unboxing, which is opening a box and that can be done on the doorstep kitchen table, stop motion animation and all of these ads.


[00:29:23] There's like a dozen different ways to make them


[00:29:26] Laura L Bernhard: okay. Hold on. Unboxing. How did you do that in your everything?


[00:29:33] Travis Chambers: Chamber media unboxing is like throwing up the garage door to a production.


[00:29:42] This is how it's made, but like for most products, it's literally a box.


[00:29:48] Laura L Bernhard: You have your tangible, tangible product. It's literally a box, but for an


[00:29:52] Travis Chambers: agency like you ShawMan side the office. Um, show them around like our new video. We just launched it's [00:30:00] us in front of our building and our whole team. And we're like walking.


[00:30:07] No, dang it. We should've done slow motion and it's a cool drone shot though. Oh, okay. I was going to say like a bomb goes off behind you guys. That's probably going to be the next one

[00:30:16] Laura L Bernhard: next time. Just let me know. And I'll be on your brainstorming sessions.

[00:30:19] Travis Chambers: Okay. I'll call you. Yeah, please.


[00:30:25] Okay. So you have these


[00:30:27] Laura L Bernhard: seven ways of doing ads. Are all these ads only on Facebook, or can you put them


[00:30:31] Travis Chambers: everywhere? You can use these ads anywhere. And these ads generally convert across multiple platforms. Pinterest is more UGC, social proof printed. Typically it's a little more raw. The higher production stuff.


[00:30:50] Doesn't usually work as well on Pinterest, but these all generally work pretty well on YouTube. And it's just a matter of [00:31:00] testing, which ones work for which industry, but we've got so much data. Like we know what the top two performing ads are per by industry, which is really cool. Yeah. I'll give you an example.


[00:31:15] Men's clothing. Top performing ad as a spokesperson. Anchor second is an unboxing women's clothing. First, highest converting is lifestyle. And second is case study. So what that tells you is men want to relate to somebody that they trust. And then they want to just see the product. It's almost like men are very visual or something.


[00:31:38] I don't know. Something like that. Never heard that before, but then women want the lifestyle and they want someone that is doing or living what they want to be doing or living and is aspirational what they want their life. It's very like what could my life look like? [00:32:00] With this thing, it's almost like, what can my life look like with this guy?


[00:32:05] Yeah. And the guys only focused on visual and it just doesn't match up sometimes that makes no sense. Yeah. It's like maybe that happens sometimes. And then the second is case study. So what that means is that women want proof. They want some type of empirical evidence that this thing is good. So it's just interesting.


[00:32:28] You look at these different categories and you just see that like different ads work in different categories.


[00:32:35] Laura L Bernhard: I also liked that you're talking about the type of video, as opposed to what platform like you're really focused on how you're getting the message across, as opposed to what platform you're using to deliver it.


[00:32:46] Because if you get the messaging, right, you're solid, you can scale, you can use these ads to scale.


[00:32:53] Travis Chambers: That's such a good way to put it is it's a messaging thing. Like what is the weird. [00:33:00] Golden bullet thing. And then once you find that one thing, then you got to find a second and third thing. So for, for me, when I was walking on all these conferences and chasing people around and they're like, so what did you, yeah, literally, what do you do?


[00:33:15] And I'm like, I make ads, I run ads. Boom. They don't they're gone. Yeah. But then I noticed when it was we've tripled the revenue to multi million dollar companies in the last year.

[00:33:30] That was it. That was it. That was your messaging. It was the proof within the first 10, 15 seconds of that ad. That changed everything for us. It has that message. So that is the big takeaway is once you find that like golden message it's, you can scale it because if you can get one person, if you spend $1 to get someone to spend $3, Then you can do it a million times.


[00:33:59] I

[00:33:59] Laura L Bernhard: think that's [00:34:00] a great way to end our conversation. Like I have a whole set of questions here. We might have to do this again.


[00:34:08] Travis Chambers: Part too, because


[00:34:11] Laura L Bernhard: I don't think I asked any of my questions on it.


[00:34:16] Travis Chambers: Okay. I


[00:34:17] Laura L Bernhard: loved our conversation. I think it was super valuable for our listeners to really hear like the value of this inbound marketing strategy. And that you shouldn't be focused on the platform, but focus on the messaging. And that's the biggest takeaway that we can have today. So thank you very much for being here.


[00:34:38] Travis Chambers: Thanks for having me. 



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